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Eating Portions for Babies 6 Months

At the age of 6 months, your child can usually be given solid food as a companion for breast milk. Here are the types of food that can be consumed and 6-month baby food portions. Entering the age of half a year, drinking breast milk alone is considered insufficient to meet the daily nutritional needs of the baby. To maximize growth and development, Little also needs nutrients from other sources by consuming solid food. But before giving complementary foods and eating portions for babies aged 6 months, first identify the signs of the Little One is ready to devour food that is denser and thicker than breast milk. The characteristics are as follows:
  • It can hold its head upright.
  • Sitting without assistance.
  • Showing interest in food, for example trying to reach out and grasp food or cutlery.
  • Reflexes open the mouth and tongue out if something comes into his mouth.
  • Already started trying to bite and chew even though not yet teething.

Eating Portions for 6-Month Babies

Then, how many servings to eat a baby 6 months? Everything depends on your baby. For fruits, vegetables, or delicacies enough 2-3 tablespoons in one meal. Within a day, give your child a portion of complementary foods only as much as 2-3 times. As for breast milk, feed the baby every 3-4 hours. When feeding your child, make sure he sits quietly and safely in the baby's chair. Also make sure the place to eat Little is clean.

6-Month Baby Food

The main food that must be introduced to Little is rich in iron. Iron and zinc itself is already contained in breast milk, but the amount is not enough to meet the growing need for a baby. This one mineral is very important given to Little to keep it from anemia. Foods that contain iron include baby cereals fortified with iron, fish, eggs, chicken, beef, spinach, broccoli, tofu, kidney beans, and green beans. But in addition to iron, don't forget to also provide foods that contain other important nutrients, such as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and vitamins and minerals. For the first introduction to baby food for 6 months, give Little Potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples, pears, melons, bananas, or avocados that have been mashed. You can also give him fine porridge mixed with formula milk or breast milk. After that, give meat, chicken, fish without bones, porridge, or boiled eggs that are of course also mashed. Keep in mind, this is the first time he started eating solid, so you do not need to force certain portions of food for babies 6 months. At the age of 6 months there are some foods that should be avoided by Little, namely honey, cow's milk, hard and large-sized foods, fruit juice packs, and fish that contain mercury, such as tuna. In addition to refined food, Little One can also be given water in between meals. But, don't overdo it. You can use a spoon, a cup with a perforated lid, or even an ordinary cup. Drinking water from a cup helps your child learn to sip, and is good for your baby's tooth growth. As a child gets older, his nutritional needs will also increase. With the pattern and portion of a good 6-month-old baby, the nutrients needed for growth and development will be fulfilled. Do not forget to routinely weigh your baby's weight to monitor the nutritional status.
